The One who has us in His hands
When I was younger I played a lot of water polo. During my years of playing, I broke the same finger on my left hand 3 different times.
The weeks following each break, I was constantly reminded by the play that was the reason my finger was now in a splint. People were always asking what happened which always led into a discussion on water polo, which I loved.
Injuries, marks, and scars are constant reminders of what had taken place to put them there.
Of course, this brought me to think about the hands of Jesus.
The injuries,
the marks, and now,
the scars.
The nail prints in His hands, a constant reminder to Him of the debt He paid for each of us.
If people asked Him what happened to get those scars, I bet they’d get into a discussion about His immense love for each of us.
And I bet He loves that.
Playing the position of goalie the outcome of the game often came down to what I could do with my hands. It felt like a lot of trust in an imperfect person.
When it comes to the game of life, we can place our trust in a perfect person.
The One who has us in His hands
xo, Reagan